Design Metal Library is an information site for professionals involved in architecture and design.

news letter

Highlights of BAMBOO EXPO12


Thank you very much for coming to our booth.
Thanks to you, we were able to talk about the appeal of metals with many people.
Real materials. We hope that you were able to experience the inner brilliance and texture of metals and feel the difference between materials.
This year, under the title of “Co-starring of Materials,” in addition to our mainstay white stainless steel and TranTixxii titanium, we expressed the sparkle and shine of aluminum, copper, and brass.
In addition to our mainstay white stainless steel and tranny titanium, we also presented aluminum, copper, and brass to show their shimmer and shine. We also included calligraphy and haiku by a calligrapher, Kim Bun, to show the impression of new metals.

Thank you to the many visitors.
We will look back at the exhibition.

(Overall appearance, front view.)

(shot from left)

(shot from right side)

(shot from a distance)

(White Stainless Steel Zone)

(3D Stainless Steel Zone) New metal Skin

(TransTixxii Golden IP Titanium Zone)

(TransTixxii, a collaboration of titanium and calligraphy)

(aluminum zone)

(Brass and copper zone)

(Digital Signage)

This is how the exhibition turned out.

We will see how it will be organized next year, and what new works will be introduced.

Please look forward to it.