Design Metal Library is an information site for professionals involved in architecture and design.

About Titanium

[New technology, new design material] Black titanium


What is Black Titanium?

Design expression of titanium up to now

The original color of titanium is silver.
When compared to stainless steel or aluminum, titanium is silvery, but it has a brownish tint, depending on the light. Although silver titanium is often used as it is, titanium is one of the few metals that can be expressed in vivid colors through coloration and ion plating. Iridescent colors are produced by manipulating the titanium’s own oxide film, not by painting. Ion plating is the process of depositing titanium on titanium to create strength and color. So far, titanium has been used to express designs in vivid iridescent and golden colors.


In this way, we have traditionally expressed ourselves with vivid colors and solemnity, but there have been growing expectations for black titanium with an elegant and calm atmosphere. After many years of research and development, we have succeeded in developing “black titanium” and are now finally able to offer it to the market.

Mechanism of black titanium

Black titanium does not use conventional methods such as “electrolytic coloring” or “ion plating deposition. Of course, it is not blackened by painting. The black color is achieved by creating a fine environment on the surface.

This is the black color of titanium as it is. The material-like black color of titanium is a much more natural and elegant design metal than conventional colored stainless steel. Therefore, the performance of the product is maintained as it is in titanium even when used outdoors, so there is no degradation in performance even in the harsh environment of the seaside.

Features of black titanium

Corrosion resistance: Same as pure titanium
Mechanical properties: Same as pure titanium

When scratched with a sharp object, the black titanium layer is destroyed and the silver titanium, the base material, comes out. The scratches do not disappear, but the performance is the same as pure titanium.

History of Black Titanium

About 10 years ago, black titanium was used for the roof of a temple.
I think this was the first outdoor application. About 10 years have passed since then, and it still maintains its majestic appearance.

This black titanium is not manufactured by us, but the shimmering “jewel” at the top is our golden titanium design.

The texture of black titanium

To see what kind of texture black titanium actually has, let’s first compare it with the original color of silver.


The color will be black with a considerable contrast difference.

Latest Black Titanium Applications

Traditional architecture that passes on Japanese culture to future generations and transcends time. To withstand long years, black titanium shows its full performance.

Adopted: Construction by Kowa Kenko Co.
At Enmyoji Temple
Name: ROKUYO in cloudy jet black

Corporate Signage

Black titanium is used for the sign of Sigmat, which has made a new leap forward with its new company name.

Adopted by: Osaka Name co. / Lion Dou Co.

Black titanium variation

More variations of black titanium will be added in the future. Here is the current lineup.


Combination of black titanium and golden silver titanium

Here are some examples of designs that can be expressed by combining current silver titanium and golden titanium, including processed products. Although we have not yet developed from materials, we will continue to make proposals to expand your design image.


What do you think of the new technology and design of titanium, “Black Titanium”? It is a new design metal material that has only just been born, so we hope you will look forward to it in the future.

It is a natural black color that has never been expressed before.

And black titanium is a material that can only be made of titanium.

First of all, I would like to propose black titanium as a design metal that will stimulate your inspiration for artworks, hardware, signs, walls, and fixtures.

Please look forward to black titanium in the future.